21 Inspiring Kitchen Sink Ideas to Bring Style to the Kitchen
All kitchens have a sink. While the sink is mostly there for practical purpose, with just a bit of creativity and ingenuity it can make the kitchen looks more beautiful. Our kitchen sink ideas here will show you how impactful the sink is for the kitchen’s appearance.
There are just so many ideas to try and here, we have collected 20 ideas to inspire you. From minimalist, rustic, corner, bronze, natural, to island sink, you will find one or two ideas to your liking. Ready to get inspired? Let’s go.
Over Sink Dish Rack

If you have limited space to spare, you need to think out of the box. The conventional place for the dish drying rack is on either side of the kitchen sink. The unconventional place? Above the kitchen sink. Yes, like the one you see here.
Instead of a horizontal arrangement, opt for a vertical one. Place the rack above the kitchen sink. With such an arrangement, you free up both left and right sides of the kitchen for other uses while simultaneously keeping the dish drying rack easily accessible. Pretty neat, isn’t it?
Kitchen Worktop Wood Sink

Is it possible to combine minimalist and natural kitchen sink ideas? Well of course! If you already have an unfinished wooden kitchen sink countertop, all you need to do is to install a white kitchen sink and add plants behind the sink. Yes, it is that simple.
As seen here, the white basin complements the wooden countertop while the metal faucet adds an accent to the room. The plants behind the faucet add freshness. It is the perfect blend between the minimalist and natural.
Black Farmhouse Sink

Do you need to replace kitchen sink to make it warmer? Not necessarily. In some cases, adding certain parts is all that required to make the interior feels warmer. And the best décor style for that is the farmhouse style.
Add warmth to the kitchen with some farmhouse touches in the kitchen sink design. Notice the farmhouse design elements here: the subway tiles, finished wooden countertop, black basin, and metallic fixture. All there bring the rustic vibe, and thus, make the kitchen feels warmer.
Blend It Well

The next idea in our kitchen sink ideas list is a rather neutral kitchen sink design. Playing with contrast sure is fun. But it certainly is not the only good-looking kitchen sink design. In some cases, blending things is the best option. Notice how the kitchen sink and its surroundings are immersive and inseparable.
The color scheme here is white and gray with subway tiles as the backsplash. As such, it makes a nice background to any bold-colored decorations to stand out. Just look at either side of the kitchen sink countertop. Both the flowers and fruits stand out, creating unique visual cues in the kitchen.
Choosing the backsplash for the kitchen can a tough decision. The ideal kitchen backsplash is one that is fully functional and adds decorative value to the kitchen.
Kitchen Granite Sink

Not everyone has the luxury of having a spacious kitchen sink. Some of us have to think differently to make the most of what we have. For example, if there isn’t enough room for a wide basin, opt for a long one instead as it allows for more storage.
A long kitchen basin is great not just functionally but also aesthetically as well. Notice how the long basin contrasts with the countertop and backlash. This creates an interesting focal point in the kitchen.
Kitchen Sink Window

The kitchen sink lighting matters a lot. Without proper lighting, even the best kitchen sink ideas cannot look good. As such, make sure that every part of the kitchen receives enough light, be it natural light or artificial. One of the simplest ways to do so is to place the kitchen sink just behind the window.
With enough sunlight getting in, the white kitchen sink shines. The plants on the countertop add accent colors that make the sink even more beautiful.
Want your own white and bright kitchen? Use white as the main color for the sink and make sure it gets enough light.
Kitchen Island with Sink

Although most of the kitchen sink ideas in the list are placed on the side of the kitchen, that is not an absolute rule that you must follow.
Indeed, you can install the sink on the ‘island’ as well. As seen here, the kitchen sink is placed on the kitchen island in the middle of the kitchen.
The location of the kitchen sink island makes it easily accessible. Not to mention since the sink is one with the island, you can have under kitchen sink storage too. The kitchen is visually and functionally pleasant.
Undermount Kitchen Sink

An easy and quick way to make a kitchen sink design interesting is to add contrast to it. For example, if the countertop is white, the kitchen sink should have a darker color.
You can see a kitchen sink stainless there. The contrast here is not just to bring balance. It is also to create a point of focus.
Want to complement the contrast? Just add a few bright accent colors near the kitchen sink area. Bright accent colors will make the kitchen even more beautiful as the white surface makes an excellent background for them to shine.
Rustic Kitchen Sink Ideas

The next in our kitchen sink ideas list requires harmony design elements. Notice how the bronze and wooden countertop completes each other, creating a unified and harmonious kitchen sink. The bonus? You can also feel the dominance of earth-tone colors, which give off a calming vibe.
Such kitchen sink design is applicable to just about any kitchen decors. But it works especially well with a busy kitchen as it provides an air of openness and freshness,
Corner Kitchen Sink

Of all places, why would you choose the corner for the kitchen sink? Well, why not? The corner is just as viable of a choice as the side of the wall or the island. Not to mention you can place the kitchen sink and cabinet close to each other too.
Working with the corner is a bit difficult, which is exactly why most homeowners overlook it. Yet, if properly designed and decorated, it can look very inviting. This corner kitchen sink design just proves how inviting around the corner sink can be.
All White

How many colors does your kitchen sink have? Too many colors make the kitchen sink design looks bad rather than good. It is simply too distracting.
Using one single main color is the better alternative. Here is one of many kitchen sink ideas that employ one main color.
Notice how the kitchen sink is in white. So are its surroundings. The white surfaces create a simple and clean look. Of course, a single color will be plain and boring.
Accent colors are needed. Just add some accent colors here and there is enough to make the kitchen sink design more attractive.
Dark Blue and White

As you have seen from our kitchen sink ideas until now, colors are certainly crucial in creating the intended mood for the area. And this kitchen sink design is all about bringing style to the kitchen. Just look how stylish it is.
The sink’s design is in line with the other parts of the kitchen. It adds impactful small touches. Notice how the basin has a contrasting color with the countertop.
The metallic faucet fixture adds a subtle beauty, too. And thanks to the over the kitchen sink shelf, it becomes very practical.
Farmhouse Kitchen Sink Ideas

Every room needs to have a focus. As practical as it is, that includes the kitchen too. And just like any other room, there are lots of options that can be the focal point in the kitchen. One of them is the kitchen sink.
To bring the focus, you need something very noticeable. For example, a sink with a large white basin and several shiny faucets like this one. No one can just ignore such an amazing kitchen sink design.
Subtle Accent

Are you someone who loves subtlety? If you are, you will like this idea. Rather than playing with multiple bright colors, opt for more neutral ones instead.
By choosing more neutral colors, you will be able to showcase a delicate part of the kitchen. Yes, like the faucet here, for example.
Notice how in a mostly-white background, the golden faucet shines. Surely enough, it brings style and elegance to the kitchen. The best thing about it is that it does so subtly rather than explicitly.
Simple Farmhouse

There are situations where the less of something, the more meaningful it becomes. Well, that applies to the farmhouse décor as seen here. Notice how simple the kitchen sink design is. Yet, the very same simplicity is what makes it stylish and inviting.
Compared to the many kitchen sink ideas here this one uses not just less intricate design but also colors as well. The sink, countertop, backsplash, and windows are all white.
They are contrasted with the teal drawer below. The soft contrast adds another layer of simplicity to the already simple design.
Kitchens come in various decoration styles. Among them is the farmhouse style. If you are interested in the farmhouse kitchen, you don’t want to miss our farmhouse themed kitchen ideas here.

The kitchen sink should be comfortable to look and work at. And what is more comfortable than a natural kitchen sink design? You can just feel the refreshing vibe from this kitchen sink. The countertop is made of natural stone. So is the backsplash.
The only thing that seems unnatural is the faucet. But even the faucet blends well with the surrounding plants and greeneries. If anything, it is a nice stylish addition. The plants on the shelves complement the natural décor while the windows make it as if you are in the outdoor.

Can a vintage kitchen sink design be stylish? The answer is yes, of course. This kitchen sink right here is an excellent example of a vintage kitchen sink.
Pretty stylish, isn’t it? It isn’t surprising. After all, this sink has many things right: right placement, right arrangement, right colors, and right contrast.
The sink itself reminds you of the past due to its styling. The candles, candlelight, unfinished wooden surfaces, and creamy under kitchen sink storage completes the vintage look even further. The plants with pale green leaves are nice additions that keep it looks fresh.

What is the difference between a regular and a properly designed and decorated kitchen sink? The answer is the former makes washing and drying the dish a chore while the latter makes them more refreshing and enjoyable.
Take a look at this kitchen sink. It feels so refreshing, right? The beauty of this sink is that it incorporates simple design and mixes it with nature.
It is less distracting, fresh, and stylish. All that without having to resort to intricate and delicate design and coloration, making it the perfect choice for minimalists.
Double Basins

A single basin is not enough for your needs? Install two, then. A kitchen with two basins will be more than enough for daily cleaning, even if you have a large family. Of course, since the basins are doubled, the styling should be doubled, too.
As seen here, the sink is not left alone. It has lots of fabrics on its sides as well as underneath. The curtain under kitchen sink storage cover not just conceals what is inside but also makes the whole sink more appealing.
Just like the sink, the window in a kitchen is often overlooked and neglected. Check out our kitchen window ideas here so yours become an amazing addition to the kitchen.
Simple and Clean

Last but definitely not the least in our kitchen sink ideas list is a simple and clean kitchen sink design. The sink is almost all-white.
That makes the perfect background for other bold colors. Here, the bold colors come from the flowers, all of which look very beautiful.
If your kitchen sink is almost completely white, you may not need to replace kitchen sink. Perhaps what you need is to add bright accent colors to make it more interesting.