17 Unique Spice Rack Ideas to Make Cooking More Enjoyable
When we cook, nothing is more annoying than missing an ingredient or two because we forget where we place them. This is a small problem and easily preventable but still annoying. What you need are some clever spice rack ideas to help you store your ingredients in a way that you can find them easily.
There is just a myriad of ways you can manage your spice rack. From adding shelves in the pantry door, extra storage in the lower kitchen cabinet, under the stove, to creating DIY shelves. Alright, without further ado, here are our ideas that will make cooking more enjoyable.
Pantry Door Spice Racks

Lack of storage is a common problem, including in the kitchen. Even if we seem to have enough storage for our stuff, having extra storage is always nice. If you don’t have any unused space left, then all you can do is to be creative. Here’s one of them: add shelves behind your pantry door.
Installing shelves on the pantry door is a creative way to make your spice more manageable or if you just want to add extra storage. It doesn’t take much to create, too. As long as there is enough space for the shelves when you close the door, you can create this kind of storage easily.
Pantry shelves are commonly used to provide extra storage for the kitchen. And extra storage is always welcome, especially in the kitchen. Get inspired by our pantry shelving ideas here.
Pallet Spice Rack

Alright, so you have unused pallets in your house. You also need a spice rack in the kitchen. What can you do? Well, why not repurpose the pallets and turn them into a spice rack? This way, you don’t have to spend a lot of money on your spice rack.
What you need to do is to arrange the pallets into a simple cabinet shape. Just keep this one thing in mind: make sure that the pallets are strong enough to hold all your spice. If you are into DIY, this is certainly among the best spice rack ideas for you.
Spice Rack inside the Cabinet

Having a spice rack is one thing. Having an easily accessible and manageable spice rack is another. If you want the latter, you can imitate the spice rack in the picture above. Instead of leaving the lower cabinet empty and unused, attach retractable shelves in it.
With retractable shelves, you will be able to
- access your spice easily
- clean the shelves thoroughly
- arrange the spice without any difficulty
In short, due to the retractable shelves the spice rack is easily manageable. Nice, isn’t it?
How does your kitchen cabinet look like? Does it look interesting or dull? If you need some insight for your kitchen cabinet, you should check out our kitchen cabinet ideas.
Wall Spice Rack

What if your pantry door or lower kitchen cabinet can’t be used as spice rack? Check your kitchen walls. Chances are there is empty space that you don’t use. The next thing to do is to install one or two shelves to be your spice rack.
Open wall-mounted spice rack like the above is very practical. You can take what you need and put it back in quickly.
Hidden Spice Rack

Next example is another example of DIY spice rack ideas. When you are looking for a spice rack for your kitchen, always keep your option open. If you can’t a spice rack that you like, you can always make it yourself.
With DIY spice rack, you will be free to decide the size, the shape and the style of the rack. If you worry about the rack not looking good, the above picture you just saw is an example of a DIY spice rack. Look simple? Yes, but it looks nice too.
Wall-mounted Simple Rack

Minimalists say that less is more. In some cases, the saying is true. The above is a good example of it. The wall-mounted wooden rack is very simple.
Yet, it has all that is needed for a spice rack. Room for spice? Check. Room for other ingredients? Check. Room to hang cooking utensils? Also check.
The bonus is that you can make a spice rack like the above easily. Not only that, you don’t have to buy wooden boards to make it if you have unused old wooden boards. You can just recycle them into a good-looking spice rack.
Under the Stove

The stove is probably one of the most used cooking utensils. As such, it is natural to place the spice rack near the stove. But what if there is no more space available near the stove? Well, in that case, why not place your spice rack under your stove?
A spice rack under the stove makes cooking simpler and more enjoyable. You can just reach whatever ingredients you need and put them in your cooking. No more reaching out to the cabinet.
Test Tube Spice Rack

Our previous spice storage ideas deal only with the practical side of a spice rack. What about the fun side? There is no limit on how creative you can be with your spice rack. Here’s a fun idea: put your ingredients in test tubes and attached them to a wall.
Sounds fun? Of course. Extraordinary? Without a doubt. With these “test tubes” now you are ready to experiment with your cooking.
Magnetic Spice Rack

Next on our spice rack ideas list is magnetic spice rack. This idea is unique and very different from the rest. Unlike most spice racks, magnetic spice rack is portable. That means you can always move them to any space you wanted.
The only downside is that it needs a metal surface to attach to. If your kitchen is mostly made of wood, magnetic spice rack is not practical. Conversely, if your kitchen is mostly made of metal, then magnetic spice rack is always a viable option.
Kitchen Utility Cabinet

Your kitchen cabinet is full. Yet, the side of the cabinet seems to have unused space. In that case, you may want to create a spice rack from it. Just attach several levels of shelves and voila! You got a hidden spice rack that no one expects.
Fridge Magnetic

This one also makes use of the metal surface. This time, however, the spice rack is on the side of the fridge. If your spice and other ingredients are not that many, this is one is certainly among the most space-efficient ways to store your spice. Just be sure that the magnet is strong enough to hold the jars.
Hanging Spice Rack

Not everyone likes spice rack ideas that involve something complex. Some homeowners just want something simple for their spice rack.
If you want the same thing, then a simple hanging spice rack like the above is perfect for you. The spice rack has a rectangular shape, with flat surfaces and clean lines.
Pull-down Spice Rack

Already have designated storage in the cabinet yet it seems it can’t hold all of your spice? Try adding a pull-down rack like the above.
Not only the pull-down rack can hold more spice, but it also allows you to reach the spice you need easily. There is no need to open and close your cabinet as you usually do again.
Wood Spice Rack Ideas

Our next idea on our spice rack ideas list is to utilize the corner. The corner is perhaps the most difficult space to make use of.
That doesn’t mean you should leave it empty, though. Especially not in the kitchen. Make use of your corner by attaching L-shaped shelves on them.
With the L-shaped shelves, you create a makeshift spice rack on which you can put your spice and other ingredients on. It makes things easier and simpler. It is also space-effective, too. No more empty corner!
Minimalist Rack

Are you minimalist? If you are, then you’d like a spice rack like the above. The rack is very simple. It only has four shelves and two baskets below.
On the shelves, you can put all your spices and ingredients. Adding some decorations, like a pot of plant at the top, is also a good idea, too.
DIY Shelves

A DIY spice rack is always an option. Do you have protruding iron pipes on your kitchen’s wall? If you do, rather than hiding them, you can turn them into a unique spice rack.
What you need to do is to install several pieces of wooden boards on the pipes. And there you go, a makeshift spice rack ready to use.
Above the Stove

Last but not least on our spice rack ideas list, a spice rack above the stove. Placing a spice rack near the stove is always a good idea.
After all, the stove is the most often cooking utensils we use. If there is a spice rack nearby, cooking will be much easier. Make sure that the distance between too close.